Where at IDFW can all public land ownership boundaries be downloaded as Google Earth Layers ?

This data would significantly enhance the GIS layers currently available for download in the Hunt Planner (e.g., https://fishandgame.idaho.gov/ifwis/portal/opendata/hunting) Thanks!
Idaho Fish and Game does not have the resources or legal authority to create or maintain such a layer.  The State of Idaho also does not have legal authority to transmit parcel (private landownership or cadastral) data statewide.  At this moment, there are only three counties for which agreements have been reached: Ada, Camas and Jefferson (http://gis.idaho.gov/portal/TIM/cadastral.html).  Until the State of Idaho has reached agreements with all counties the only authoritative source of private ownership is each individual county.  You'll find links to all their websites at http://gis.idaho.gov/tax/map/index.html. There is a statewide layer of surface management maintained by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  This layer is available as an overlay in the Huntplanner MapCenter (http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/ifwis/huntplanner/mapcenter/) and is available for download on Inside Idaho (http://insideidaho.org/).  You may view the details and download this layer as a shapefile at http://cloud.insideidaho.org/webApps/metadataViewer/default.aspx?path=G%... The direct download for the shapefile (shp) is http://cloud.insideidaho.org/webApps/util/zip.ashx?fn=http://cloud.insid... There are various programs both online and for download that convert shapefiles to kml.  This search result shows the most popular https://www.google.com/search?q=shapefile+to+kml&oq=shapefile+to+kml  
Answered on: 
Thursday, December 27, 2012 - 2:32 PM MST