squirrels disappeared

Hoping you can tell me why the squirrels have disappeared. I have fed them for years with no problems. I would say for months now they have not been at my feeder and I have not seen any in the trees around my house. I live along the Portneuf River in Pocatello
Hello, I'm thinking there could be some predation occurring in your neighborhood. Perhaps there is a neighborhood cat on the prowl. If you or your neighbors have an outside cat, they really can be problematic. Domestic cats kill millions of birds and small mammals, including squirrels, every year. Another explanation could be hawks and owls.There are a lot of large trees that support hawk and owl nests down along the Portneuf, and squirrels would be a good source of prey for those birds. It could be a combination of both. Please keep your cat or encourage your neighbors to keep their cats inside to help. Thanks for the question.
Answered on: 
Thursday, August 6, 2015 - 9:20 AM MDT