I'm interested in hunting wolves on private land

I'm having difficulty finding landowners that welcome wolf hunting on their property. Do you have recommendations or a way for hunters to contact specific landowner that would welcome wolf hunting to reduce the threat on their live stock? I realize permissions would still need to be granted from the land owner. Is it possible for IDFG to either have a list of wolf hunters for land owners to contact or a list of land owners with wolf problems that hunters can contact?
Usually when a depredation occurs U.S.D.A. Wildlife Services is called to remove wolves.  Your best bet to find a possible landowner that might be interested in allowing you to hunt wolves on their property would be to contact Wildlife Services at 208-378-5077; or contact your local IDFG regional office.
Answered on: 
Friday, December 20, 2013 - 3:22 PM MST