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Idaho Fish and Game

steelhead head shot being held January 2012

Two virtual Project Wild courses begin June 10 and July 1


Courses cover bees and anadromous fish and available for college credit

Are you seeking fun, valuable and easy-to-use lessons to teach children and students of all ages about the many of wonders of nature? Project WILD through Idaho Fish and Game is offering two workshops for adults starting in June. The workshops are mostly virtual and on your own time. Professional development credit for teachers is available through NNU.  One professional development credit is offered for each workshop.  

Participants can register online at

WILD About Bees will launch on June 10. Cost of the workshop is $10. This includes virtual lesson plans and activities on a Google Sites platform.  If you are seeking credit, or would like to volunteer for a bee counting survey, there is an additional cost of around $20 for a bee net and vials for collecting. Credit is an additional $60.  

WILD About Anadromous (Ocean Going) Fish will launch July 1. Cost of workshop is $20, which includes the Google Sites virtual lesson plans on salmon, steelhead and Pacific lamprey. For individuals seeking professional development, attendance of a 2.5 hour “salmon session” at the MK Nature Center is also required. Dates for that will be determined, but several sessions will be offered, most likely the week of July 19.  

Call or email Lori Adams at or 208-863-3236 for more information.