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Idaho Fish and Game

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Fish & Game Commission to meet via conference call October 2


The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet by conference call Monday, October 2 to discuss a proposal to re-open steelhead fishing to harvest with a length limit in place to protect steelhead stocks returning to Clearwater Hatchery facilities.

Steelhead returns were late this year prompting Fish and Game managers to close the steelhead fishery to harvest. Steelhead returns to the Columbia River have improved and are now tracking the preseason forecast with over 113,000 expected to cross Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River.

In addition, Coho salmon returns to the Clearwater River are low but sufficient to allow a limited harvest opportunity. A proposal to open a Coho salmon harvest fishery in the Clearwater River will also be discussed, as well as a tag raincheck request.

The call will begin at 8:30 a.m. (MST) at Fish and Game Headquarters, 600 S. Walnut in Boise.  A complete agenda is available on Fish and Game's website at

There will be no public testimony taken during the call, but the public is welcome to attend. Those living outside of Boise can listen to the call by traveling to their nearest Fish and Game regional office.

Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Director’s office directly at 208-334-5159 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-377-2529 (TDD).