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Idaho Fish and Game

F&G Sponsoring Two Mentored Youth Hunts in the Upper Snake

Idaho Fish and Game is sponsoring two mentored youth hunts in the Upper Snake Region this year. They will consist of one waterfowl and one pheasant hunt. The waterfowl hunt will be September 28 at the Mud Lake Wildlife Management Area. The pheasant hunt will be October 5 at the Market Lake Wildlife Management Area north of Roberts. Both events are meant to provide opportunities for first time youth hunters between the ages of 10 and 15 who do not have someone to take them hunting. Fish and Game will provide mentors and all the equipment required for the hunt. Youths will be required to purchase a junior hunting license or a mentored hunt passport before participating. The junior hunting license purchase requires having passed a Hunter Education course. Waterfowl hunters are also required to purchase a migratory bird permit. Participating youth must have transportation to and from the hunting area, but some accommodations can be arranged if necessary. This is a great opportunity to get youth out in the field with an experienced guide. We plan on having lots of fun and creating lifelong memories. Anyone interested in this event or who knows a youth who is, please fill out an application at the Fish and Game office at 4279 Commerce Circle in Idaho Falls. Space is limited and walk-ins will not be accepted. Applications must be turned in by September 25. For questions contact James Brower at 208-525-7290 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-377-3529 (TDD) or by email at