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Idaho Fish and Game

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Controlled hunt applications period for deer, elk, pronghorn and fall bear opens May 1 with new rule for elk hunters


F&G Commission in March established a 5-day wait period for capped elk tag buyers who applied for an elk controlled hunt

Applications for controlled deer, elk, pronghorn and fall bear hunts run May 1 through June 5. Elk hunters are reminded that new for 2020, there is a five-day waiting period to buy capped elk zone tags for any resident who applies for a controlled elk hunt regardless of whether the person draws the controlled hunt tag. 

Some controlled hunts are exempt from the waiting period, including Super Hunts, extra elk hunts, depredation hunts or Landowner Appreciation Program hunts.

Establishing a waiting period for elk controlled hunt applicants is designed to reduce the initial demand for first-come, first-served capped zone elk tags when they go on sale in July. Sales history shows many elk hunters who bought capped elk zone tags had previously applied for controlled hunts. 

To learn more about the waiting period and when capped elk tags sold out in 2019, go here. 


Photo credit: Idaho Fish and Game