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Idaho Fish and Game

Coho salmon season ends September 18

The second-ever season for coho salmon in Idaho will end Friday, September 18 in the mainstem Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater and North Fork Clearwater rivers. Fishing will close at midnight. Based on fish counts and tag detections at Columbia River dams, the estimated number of adult coho salmon returning to the Clearwater River is far less than the preseason forecast. The coho return to the Clearwater River will likely be less than what is required for hatchery broodstock and none will be available for harvest. This new fishery resulted from the work of the Nez Perce Tribe which initiated a coho salmon hatchery program to restore coho to the Clearwater River basin. Last year, over 18,000 coho passed over Lower Granite Dam, with the previous high around 5,000 fish. As of Monday, September 14, only 9 coho have crossed Lower Granite Dam.