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Idaho Fish and Game

Bald Eagle Survey Shows Above Average Local Wintering Population

The mid-winter bald eagle survey completed January 15, revealed 13 adults along the Snake River in north central Idaho. That's well above the long-term average of nine, says Joel Sauder, nongame biologist for the Idaho Fish and Game in the Clearwater Region "We counted 13 bald and 8 golden eagles along the 55 mile route up the river," Sauder said. Early January each year, Idaho Fish and Game participates in a nationwide survey to estimate the number of bald eagles in each state, their distribution, and to identify previously unrecognized areas of important winter habitat. Sizes of survey routes vary from single fixed points to 150 miles. Surveys are conducted from vehicles, fixed wing aircraft, boats and helicopters. The local survey consists of jet boating up the Snake River from the Grande Ronde River to the mouth of Temperance Creek, counting both adult and immature bald eagles. According to Sauder, the number of bald eagles wintering observed can fluctuate widely from year-to-year, and is determined by the amount of open water and availability of prey. "We've had a lot of snow this winter and the cold conditions may have congregated the eagles," he said. The annual midwinter survey provides information on both breeding and nonbreeding segments of the population at a potentially limiting time of year. It also provides an opportunity to monitor modifications or threats to habitat at important wintering areas. In addition to providing information on eagle trends, distribution, and habitat, the count has helped to create public interest in bald eagles and their conservation. Bald eagles, once an endangered species, were upgraded to threatened in 1995 because of successful recovery efforts. Easily observed perching in large trees adjacent to area rivers or in flight, wintering bald eagles feed on fish, carrion and waterfowl. Adults have a dark brown body and white tail and head, while immature bald eagles are brown and have irregular white plumage. "For those hardy souls interested in viewing bald eagles, as well as many other wintering birds in Idaho, the Snake and Clearwater rivers are excellent locations," Sauder said.