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Idaho Fish and Game

The Eastern Idaho Aspen Working Group will be sponsoring a workshop and tour on July 16-17, 2013.


The Eastern Idaho Aspen Working Group will be sponsoring a workshop

and tour on July 16-17, 2013.

July 16 – Little Wood River Room, Idaho State University Student Union (Parking pass required on ISU campus)

9:00-12:00 Presentations about the importance and ecology of aspen by regional experts

including Paul Rogers- Western Aspen Alliance and , Dale Bartos-USFS, and others.

12:00-1:30 lunch on your own.

1:30-5:00 Perspectives on aspen management presented by agencies and conservation groups

with a panel discussion to follow.

July 17 – Pocatello Area Office, BLM, 4350 Cliffs Drive (Car pool vehicles will be on hand)

8:00-5:00 Field tour to view aspen stands and completed and planned restoration projects. Pack a lunch! Drinks provided.

Return to Pocatello by 5:00 PM.

Please consider participating in all or part of this 2-day event! An RSVP is appreciated in order to plan for seating and field trip transportation.

Contact: Aren Eddingsaas or by phone at 208-239-4577